Good Morning all you crafters out there, I hope you are ready for a brand new Challenge...........and there's a bit of a twist this month.
As we are welcoming our new DT members I thought we would do something a bit special to celebrate so there are even more opportunities to win a prize and have your work up in lights on our blog, so read on.
When I posted last months winners yesterday I also announced the names of our new Design Team members who will be sharing their first DT work with us in November. I am really looking forward to working with them all and I know that along with the existing DT members and Guest Designers, they will inspire you with their work. But you don't have to wait till then to pop along and visit them, there are links to all their personal blogs on the sidebar.
For those of you who have not visited them yet our super sponsors
Penny Black have made some great updates to their
new blog, it's full of inspiration and the perfect chance to get involved in all things Penny Black. You might also like to check out their Art Director Elizabeth's brand new blog
here. Some of you will remember Elizabeth from her guest DT spot at Allsorts back in May and I am pleased to say you will be seeing some more of her right here shortly.
So first things first and this months theme:
Colours of Autumn
I know there's a lot of it about in blogland at the moment and I'm one of the culprits, but it's such a beautiful time of year with all those rich oranges, golds, reds and browns it seems such a shame to miss another opportunity to use the wonderful inspiration Nature provides.
Now for the twist. As well as our four prizes that
Penny Black have so generously provided again and our Top 3 that will be announced as usual at the end of the month, there will also be a weekly winner selected by Random Org.
This is how it's going to work, at the end of each week (8th, 15th and 22nd) all entries from the past seven days will go into the draw for a mystery prize which will be announced here and the winners name and work will be published on these dates.......or as soon after as I can organise. You can enter every week if you like as long as it's a different piece of work and every entry from the entire month will go into the final draw on the last day of the month. So you could have four chances of fab is that !
So here are the prizes for this month:
3 weekly prizes......I thought a bit of mystery would be fun

And the monthly prizes:
4014K Hand Mailed
40-003 Winter Song

3993K Before the Snow
3765F Pom Pom and 3735D Holiday Cheer
Now for some inspiration to set you on your way and here is what the design Team have come up with, there are links to all their personal blogs if you click on their names.


Edited 2nd October - I must have had a real dizzy moment last week when I did the photos for this months prizes, because when I was sorting stamps today I came across several Christmas ones which I had intended as prizes this month......more use now than January eh ? So anyone who looked yesterday and saw the prizes, I've just added the correct ones, it's me going slowly mad, not you.