Each kit contained 3 sheets Basic Grey DP (all slightly different but from the same family), 3m white seam binding, TH clock and hinges cut from Coredinations, 2 white flowers.
As promised I am back to share with you the work the DT came up with when I set them a challenge earlier this month. I sent each one a kit containing the above items and this is what they all came up with.

I didn't think it was fair to expect the DT to all come up with a piece of work and not do something myself...................any excuse to play with those yummy DP's...........
.........but this post is really all about my fabby DT and showing you what a talented bunch they are, so please do pop along to their individual blogs and show them some luuuuuuuve.......
Don't forget you have until 31st of October to join in this months Autumn theme and our brand new look challenge will start on 6th November...................and my oh my, do we have some yummy prizes lined to kick start us in real style..........nobody will want to miss out on this one.
these are all amazing creations, love the distress and vintage look, delish DPs
Wow! Great idea too!
Wow! Beautiful DT creations!
I just love how you have all created something so different from the same kit! This is really inspiring, thank you for sharing the results of this fab idea with us. Hugs Sxx
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