Morning Peeps, time to announce the winners from our April challenge where we had a bumper collection of entries, a total of 171 so a big thank you everyone for joining in.
Please note: I will be unable to post your prize until lockdown is lifted and I have the OK to go out again, I live in a remote location so no postbox!! But please still mail me with your details from the link on the sidebar so I have them ready.
Please note: I will be unable to post your prize until lockdown is lifted and I have the OK to go out again, I live in a remote location so no postbox!! But please still mail me with your details from the link on the sidebar so I have them ready.
So here we go with the winners names and you are going to have to trust me with the numbers as I did the post on my new iMac for the first time and wasn't able to find a snipping tool to grab shots of the random generator. One of my son's has since explained which keys will do this for me so in case anyone else has the same dilemma, its shift, the square windows button and number four all pressed simultaneously) and seems it does work.

Entry no 46 is Lynne

Entry no 166 is Tina

Entry no 71 is Lisa
I will be back on Sunday with a new challenge and hope you will all join us again.

Wow, thank you so much and congratulations to all the others.
Crafty hugs xx
What a lovely surprise, thank you so much and congrats to the other winners x
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